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Republic Day and AGM 2017

Event Date: January 28, 2017

Event Venue: Peace Ev. Lutheran Church, King of Prussia

Attendees: The event was attended by about 50 members including all office bearers, some members, and kids.

After gathering and socializing of the members, Indian flag was hoisted to celebrate 68th Republic Day of India. Flag hoisting ceremonially performed by two of the youngest members of the group and was followed by Indian and American national anthems. Ajay Khandelwal helped organizing the flag hoisting.

All members joined for the lunch after flag hoisting.

Annual General Body Meeting was brought to order by president Shrinath Pedi who introduced all office bearers and discussed the agenda of the meeting. Bhupendra Singh, Treasurer, presented the financial statement for the year to the . It was noted that 4 new members have joined in 2016.

It was informed that president Shrinath Pedi and secretary Arvind Shrivastava had decided to resign from their posts due to personal reasons so it was required to elect new members for the vacated posts.

Election Committee took the podium after the AGM. Mr. Krishan Agarwal presided over the meeting with Ila Awasthi and Mr. Santhosh Katiyar. Mr. Agarwal informed all the members that 4 nominations were received for Anup Chaudhry for president and 3 nominations for Rashmi Jain for secretary via email. Nominations were also open for every member present there but no one else was nominated and so Mr. Anup Chaudhry for President and Mrs. Rashmi Jain for Secretary were confirmed.

As Mr. Anup Chaudhry took over as president, a position of Trustee was vacated. Umesh Chandra ji was nominated and elected to replace Anup ji for Trustee.

After the election, new president Mr. Anup Chaudhary addressed the members. He introduced himself and thanked outgoing president and secretary and other members for their contributions. Rashmi Jain also gave her brief introduction to the members.

To celebrate Republic Day, patriotic songs were sung by some of the members and kids. Performers included Arushi Tiwari, Palash Awasthi, Manisha Jain, Saanvi Singh, Aakash Pilai, Aaditya Pillai, and Vijaya Parmar.

After the performance, Mr. Anup Chaudhry conducted another meeting and discussed following items:

  1. Transition tasks

  2. Formation of teams for Venue & Catering, Communication, Financial Matters, and Cultural Activities. Team Lead, co-lead and members were announced for each team.

  3. UGAGP Team Meetings: Every other month, Potluck lunch, Location by rotation. Will ask new members to join also these meetings.

  4. A committee to be formed for Membership Drive, Sponsorship and Fund Raising.

  5. Planning for Holi Functions

Later the floor was opened for questions and suggestions from all the members.

Finally, it was suggested to form a Youth Club for kids from age 10 to 18 which to be run by kids with the guidance of some of the members. All kids presented at the meeting got together and brainstormed on the tasks they can do in the club. Arushi Tiwari took the lead to take the notes of activities suggested by all kids. Main suggestion was to do some charity work and fundraising.

Contact details have been collected of all kids so they can communicate.

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President: Archana Sharma

Vice President: Anshu Singh
Secretary: Saumya Khare
Treasurer: Shreesh Tiwari

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